lundi 24 mars 2014

Draft GDAL/OGR class hierarchy for GDAL 2.0

As a result of the first day of the OSGeo Code Sprint 2014 Vienna, I just wanted to share the outcome of my thoughts for a possible re-organisation of the GDAL/OGR class hierarchy, to achieve the mythical "Grand Unification". This is really work in progress, and I'm not even sure I will stick with it tomorrow morning... But here we go...

I have identified two principal aims :
  • adding support for metadata to OGR driver, datasource and layers (validation of creation options, etc...). That one is easy : make derive the 3 base classes from the GDALMajorObject class
  • more difficult and ambitious: making it possible to have a Dataset that contains both raster and vector data. You just open the data container once and can get both raster and vector data. Possible use cases: GeoPackage, PCIDSK, Spatialite/Rasterlite, Postgis/Postgis raster, ...
And one major constraint : avoid rewriting each of the existing 211 drivers... which represent 1.2 million lines of C/C++ code, 140 000 lines of code of Python autotests...

The class hierarchy of GDAL/OGR 1.X versions is quite simple :

So definitely 2 seperate worlds.

To achieve the first aim of getting metadata into OGR, you just have to do :

And now let's consider where the second aim could lead us :

Another way of presenting it with more details is the following pseudo-code :
/* Interface for major object */
class GDALIMajorObject
        virtual char      **GetMetadataDomainList() = 0;
        virtual char      **GetMetadata( const char * pszDomain = "" );
        [other methods go here]

/* Implementation of major object, and base class for dataset, bands, layers, etc.. */
class GDALMajorObject: public GDALIMajorObject
     /* existing code of GDALMajorObject */

/* Interface for raster functions */
class GDALIRasterDataset: public GDALIMajorObject
        virtual int         HandleRasterData() = 0;

        virtual int         GetRasterXSize( void ) = 0;
        virtual int         GetRasterYSize( void ) = 0;
        virtual int         GetRasterCount( void ) = 0;
        virtual GDALRasterBand *GetRasterBand( int ) = 0;
        [other methods go here]

/* Interface vor vector functions*/
class GDALIVectorDataset: public GDALIMajorObject
        virtual int         HandleVectorData() = 0;
        virtual int         GetLayerCount() = 0;
        virtual OGRLayer    *GetLayer(int) = 0;
        [other methods go here]

/* Convenience interface for both raster and vector functions */
class GDALIDataset: public GDALIRasterDataset, public GDALIVectorDataset
        /* That's all ! */

/* Partial implementation of GDALIRasterDataset */
class GDALAbstractRasterDataset : public GDALIRasterDataset, public GDALMajorObject
    /* Current code of GDALDataset GDAL v1 goes here */
        virtual int         HandleRasterData() { return TRUE; }

/* Convenience class used by vector only drivers */
class GDALEmptyRasterDataset : GDALAbstractRasterDataset
        virtual int         HandleRasterData() { return FALSE; }

/* Partial implementation of GDALIVectorDataset */
class GDALAbstractVectorDataset : public GDALIVectorDataset, public GDALMajorObject
    /* Current code of OGRDatasource GDAL v1 goes here*/
        virtual int         HandleVectorData() { return TRUE; }

/* Convenience class used by raster only drivers */
class GDALEmptyVectorDataset : public GDALIVectorDataset
        virtual int         HandleVectorData() { return FALSE; }
        virtual int         GetLayerCount() { return 0; }
        virtual OGRLayer    *GetLayer(int) { return NULL; }
        [other methods go here]

/* Equivalent of GDALDataset GDAL v1 (plus dummy vector interface). Existing GDAL drivers would derive from it. */
class GDALRasterDataset : public GDALAbstractRasterDataset, public virtual GDALEmptyVectorDataset, public virtual GDALIDataset

/* Equivalent of OGRDatasource GDAL v1 (plus dummy raster interface). Existing OGR drivers would derive from it. */
class GDALVectorDataset : public GDALAbstractVectorDataset, public virtual GDALEmptyRasterDataset, public virtual GDALIDataset

/* GDAL v2 base class for new drivers that need both raster and vector data */
class GDALDataset : public GDALAbstractRasterDataset, public virtual GDALAbstractVectorDataset, public virtual GDALIDataset

The impact on the existing code base is :
  • Current GDAL drivers must replace mentions of GDALDataset by GDALRasterDataset (automatic conversion)
  • Current OGR drivers must replace mentions of OGRDatasource by GDALVectorDataset (automatic conversion)
  • OGRDatasourceH becomes an alias of GDALDatasetH
  • C methods cast the opaque dataset pointer GDALDatasetH to GDALIDataset before invoking the C++ methods.
 Of course, all the above is just "nice" theory (rather complicated admitedly), and I should really try to go to the practice part of it to test if it can actually work...

1 commentaire:

  1. A few questions:
    1) Why the need GDALAbstractXXXDataset and GDALEmptyXXXDataset? May be Abstract will be enouth?
    2) There is some therminology problem GDALIMajorObject and GDALMajorObject.
    3) The metadata may be on dataset level and band/layer level. So it maybe to do GDALMajorDataset for datasets and GDALMajorLayer for band/layer?
