vendredi 28 décembre 2018

SRS barn raising: 7th report

This is the 7th progress report of the GDAL SRS barn effort.

On the PROJ side, things are consolidating up. Tens of "random" fixes have been pushed due to the GDAL autotest suite triggering a number of interesting cases. The C API has also been enhanced to accommodate for the needs of GDAL and libgeotiff. We also have received feedback from an early adopter (a developer of a pyproj binding based on PROJ master). The major development items have been the move of the WKT 1 syntax validation from GDAL to PROJ, as well as the development of an equivalent WKT 2 syntax validator in PROJ (this task has been useful to uncover a few minor issues in the draft of the future WKT2:2018 standard). A reorganization of the PROJ source tree (with a conversion of most C files to C++ files) has also been done, as a preliminary step, for a pull request to better integrate the new ISO-19111 functionality I developed those last months with the existing C API.

Regarding libgeotiff, a v1.4.3 maintenance version has been released with the fixes of the last two years, before the new works for the integration of PROJ master are done. libgeotiff development has been moved from Subversion to As a preliminary step, continuous integration capability has been added to test compilation under Linux/GCC and Windows/Visual Studo, with a few runtime tests.
A pull request is ready with the integration of PROJ master with libgeotiff. It features:
  • PROJ master / PROJ 6 as a required depedency of libgeotiff
  • Use of the proj.db database to resolve the various coded values, mostly in the GTIFGetDefn() "normalization" function of libgeotiff, instead of using the .csv files previously generated from the EPSG database. Typically an EPSG code identifying a projected CRS is resolved them into its base elements: projection method, projection parameters, base geodetic CRS, etc..
  • Complete removal of those .csv files and associated functionality
This work will be merged once the above mention PROJ pull request that affects naming of the new functions of the C API has been merged and taken into account. This gdalbarn branch of libgeotiff has also been succesfully integrated in the internal libgeotiff copy of the GDAL gdalbarn branch.

Regarding GDAL, a maintenance v2.3.3 and feature v2.4.0 versions have been released for the same reasons as above.
Most methods of the OGRSpatialReference class have now been re-implemented to rely on the PROJ C API to do queries and state changes, which avoids potentially lossy import / export to WKT 1. Similarly to the libgeotiff work, the ImportFromEPSG() functionality now relies on proj.db, and consequently all EPSG or ESRI related .csv files have been removed from the GDAL data directory. I've also drafted a plan regarding on how to be able to take into account WKT 2 by GDAL raster drivers, and proposed changes regarding how to better handle the gap between the axis order as mandated by the CRS authority (for example latitude first, longitude second for geographic CRS in the EPSG dataset) and the actual order of the values in raster metadata or vector geometries. The first part (use of OGRSpatialReference in raster driver) has been implemented in the gdalbarn branch and the second part is in good progress, with the drivers now advertizing their data axis to CRS axis mapping. The ongoing work is to make  OGRCoordinateTransformation use the PROJ API to automatically compute the best transformation pipeline, enabling late-binding capabilities.

vendredi 30 novembre 2018

SRS barn raising: 6th report

This is the sixth progress report of the GDAL SRS barn effort. The pace of changes has not yet slow down, with still a significant part of the work being in PROJ, and an initial integration in GDAL.

The major news item is that RFC2, implementing the new capabilities (WKT-2 support, late-binding approach, SQLite database), has now been merged into PROJ master.

An initial integration of PROJ master into GDAL has been started in a custom GDAL branch . This includes:
  • PROJ master, which will be released as 6.0, is now a required dependency of GDAL. It actually becomes the only required external third-party dependency (if we except the copies of a few libraries, such as libtiff, libgeotiff, etc. that have been traditionaly included into the GDAL source tree)
  • The dozen of continuous integration configurations have been modified to build PROJ master as a preliminary step.
  • Related to the above, we have including into PROJ a way to "version" its symbols. If PROJ is built with -DPROJ_RENAME_SYMBOLS in CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, all its exported symbols are prefixed with "internal_". This enables GDAL to link against PROJ master, while still using pre-compiled dependencies (such as libspatialite) that link against the system PROJ version, without a risk of symbol clash. This is particularly useful to be able to run GDAL autotests on continuous integration environments that use pre-packaged dependencies (or if you want to test the new GDAL without rebuilding all reverse dependencies of GDAL). This however remains a hack, and ultimately when PROJ 6 has been released, all reverse dependencies should be built against it. (this solution has been successfully tested in the past where GDAL had a libtiff 4.0 internal copy, whereas external libtiff used by some GDAL dependencies relied on the system libtiff 3.X)
  • Compatibility mechanisms which were required to support older PROJ versions have been removed. In particular, the runtime loading (using dlopen() / LoadLibrary() mechanism) has been removed. It proved to cause code complication, and users frequently ran into headaches with different PROJ versions being loaded and clashing/crashing at runtime.
  • The OGRSpatialReference class which implements CRS manipulation in GDAL has been modified to use the new PROJ functions to import and export between WKT and PROJ strings. Previously GDAL had such code, which is now redundant with what PROJ offers. This preliminary integration caused a number of fixes to be made on PROJ to have compatibility with the input and output of GDAL for WKT.1 and PROJ strings. Besides "moving" code from GDAL to PROJ, a practical consequence is that the addition of a new projection method into PROJ will no longer require changes to be made to GDAL for it to be usable for reprojection purposes.

There have been reflections on how to use the new code developped in PROJ by the existing PROJ code. A pull request is currently under review and implements:
  • changes needed to remove from the data/ directory the now obsolete EPSG, IGNF, esri and esri.extra files to rely instead of the proj.db dataase 
  • making the proj_create_crs_to_crs() API use the new late-binding approach to create transformation pipelines
  • updating cs2cs to use that new API. 
  • list and address backward compatibility issues related to honouring official axis order
Integration phase in GDAL continus with the aim of using more of the new PROJ code. Typically the OGRSpatialReference class that models in GDAL the CRS/SRS was up to now mostly a hierarchy of WKT nodes, where setters methods of OGRSpatialReference would directly create/modify/delete nodes, and getter methods query them. This approach was fine when you had to manage just one WKT version (with the caveat that it was also easy to produce invalid WKT representions, lacking mandatory nodes). However, this is no longer appropriate now that we want to support multiple WKT versions. Our goal is to make OGRSpatialReference act rather on osgeo::proj::CRS objects (and its derived classes). Switching between the two abstractions is a non-trivial task and doing it in a bing-bang approach seemed risky, so we are progressively doing it by using a dual internal modelling. A OGRSpatialReference instance will maintain as a primary source a osgeo::proj::CRS object, and for operations not yet converted to the new approach, will fallback to translating it internally to WKT.1 to allow direct manipulation of the nodes, and then retranslate that updated WKT.1 representation back to a osgeo::proj::CRS object. Ultimately the proportion of methods using the fallback way should decrease (it is not completely clear we can remove all of them since direct node manipulation is spread in a significant number of GDAL drivers). The task is slowly progressing, because each change can subtely modify the final WKT.1 representation (nodes being added, number of significant digits changing) and cause a number of unit tests to break (GDAL autotest suite is made of 280 000 lines of Python code) and be analyzed to see if there was a bug and or just an expected result to be slightly altered.
Because of all the above impacts, we have decided to do an early release in December of GDAL master as GDAL 2.4.0 with all the new features since GDAL 2.3, in order to be able to land this PROJ integration afterwards afterwards. A GDAL 2.5.0 release will hopefully follow around May 2019 with the result of the gdalbarn work.

Other side activities regarding collecting transformation grids:
  • Following a clarification from IGN France on the open licensing of their geodesy related resources, their CRS and transformation XML registry is now processed to populate the IGNF objects in the proj.db database (the previous import used the already processed IGNF file containing PROJ string, which caused information losses). The associated vertical shift grids have also been converted from their text-based format to the PROJ digestable .gtx format, integrated in the proj-datumgrid-europe package, and they have been referenced in the database for transformations that use them.
  • The NGS GEOID 2012B vertical grids to convert between NAD83 ellipsoidal heights and NAVD88 heights have also been integrated in the proj-datumgrid-north-america package

mercredi 31 octobre 2018

SRS barn raising: 5th report

This is the fifth progress report of the GDAL SRS barn effort. A lot of activity in PROJ developments has been done this month again.

New conversion and transformation methods referenced in the EPSG database have been integrated:
  • Projection methods: Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP Michigan) and Laborde Oblique Mercator
  • "Change of Vertical Unit", "Vertical offset" and other fixes relative to vertical component handling
  • "Axis order reversal"
  • "Affine parametric transformation", and its implementation in PROJ computation core
  • "Molodensky-Badekas" transformation, and its implementation in PROJ computation core
Regarding database-related activities:
  • Make concatenate operation building from proj.db robust to inverse sub-operations (the EPSG database lists chained operations, but does not indicate if the forward or reverse path must be taken)
  • Reference transformation grids available in the proj-datumgrid-* packages, such as NAD83 -> NAD83(HPGN) grids, OSTN15_NTv2_OSGBtoETRS.gsb
  • Add a celestial_body table and celestial_body property to ellipsoid, as a provision to handle non-Earth bodies
  • Add a text_definition column to geodetic_crs and projected_crs to allow definition by PROJ string (or WKT)
  • Add  the possibility of defining in 'other_transformation' a transformation defined by a PROJ pipeline
  • The createOperations() method that returns transformations between two CRS is now able to find pivot CRS when no direct transformation path exists. One notable fact to underline is that the pivot is not necessarily WGS84, and several candidate pivots are explored. When transforming from CRS A to CRS B, the database will be searched for all CRS C for which there is a referenced transformation from/to both CRS A and CRS B (advanced users may also be able to restrict the candidate(s) pivot to use)
  • Import PROJ.4 definitions contained currently data/IGNF into the database in a relational form. A script to directly use the official registry as the source, instead of the PROJ.4 strings that derive from it, has also been developed but is not used yet.
  • Import of the CRS definitions and transformations between horizontal CRS from the CSV files of the published Esri Projection Engine Database Documentation. The projected CRS are imported with their ESRI WKT definition directly put in the database, so ongoing work is in progress to be able to ingest this WKT1 variant in the WKT2-based form used internally by PROJ.
  • Update the CRS and transformations to EPSG dataset v9.5.4
The addition of the DerivedEngineeringCRS, DerivedParametricCRS and DerivedTemporalCRS classes mark the completion of the implementation of the full ISO-19111:2018 CRS modelling

A rather tedious task has consisted in optimizing the code (mostly by avoiding a lot of unnecessary instanciation of temporary C++ objects, involving looking frequently at disassembled output to locate them) to make the generated binary lighter. This has enabled an optimized build to go down from 3.1 to 2.6 MB

The Doxygen-generated documentation of the C++ API has been integrated with the general PROJ documentation in ReST format, with the Breathe module.

An initial C API that makes part of the C++ functionality available to C users has also been added.

Finally, a RFC has been written to officially submit this work for PROJ PSC approval (doubling the size of a code base and changing its language requirements is not a mundane detail). This RFC has now been officially adopted, and will make it possible to ultimately merge this work into PROJ master. You may skim through it to look at a few examples of the use of the projinfo utility that demonstrates part of the new capabilities developed.

vendredi 28 septembre 2018

SRS barn raising: 4th report

This is the fourth progress report of the GDAL SRS barn effort.

The in-progess task at the time of the last report was the addition of a method createFromPROJString() that takes a PROJ string and builds ISO-19111 corresponding objects. It has now been completed for ProjectedCRS. Not all arbitrary valid PROJ strings can be currently mapped to ISO-19111 objects, but at least strings expressing CRS definitions can. A few constructs involving Helmert transforms are also parsed as CoordinateOperation.

A few random tasks completed:
  • Map time-dependent Helmert transforms, and fixes for existing Helmert transforms
  • Map Molodensky and Abridged Molodensky transformation methods from/to PROJ strings
  • Map Longitude rotation transformation method
  • Update to recognize VRF and TRF WKT2-2018 keywords
  • Add import/export of VERTICALEXTENT and TIMEEXTENT WKT2 elements
  • Add import/export of WKT2:2018 USAGE node
  • Progress in implementation of "esoteric" ISO-19111 classes: DatumEnsemble, DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame, OrdinalCS, DerivedProjectedCRS, EngineeringCRS, ParametricCRS, DerivedVerticalCRS
  • Several fixes

The most interesting task regarding the high-level objectives of the roadmap of the barn campaign is the creation of a proj.db SQLite3 database containing CRS (and related objects) and coordinate operations (datum shifts, ...) definitions. The workflow to build it is:
  1. Import EPSG dataset PostgreSQL .sql dumps
  2. Run scripts/ that will ingest those dumps in a temporary SQLite3 database and then extract needed information from it and marshall it a more digestable form for our final proj.db. At the end the script, outputs new .sql scripts in the data/sql subdirectory of the PROJ directory. We keep in version control those text files, for better tracability of changes.
  3. At make time, we build the proj.db database by importing those .sql scripts.
Steps 1 and 2 are done (typically by PROJ developers) each time you need to update to a newer version.
Step 3 is done automatically at PROJ build time, from a git clone or a tarball of an official release.

The proj.db structure allows for multiple authorities. Instead of having a single code column to identify and reference objects, we use a tuple (authority_name, code) as a key, both columns being of text type for better generality. So ('EPSG', '4326') or ('IGNF', 'LAMB1') are possible. At that time, only EPSG derived objects are in the database. Import of other dictionaries are task for later.

Having a database is good, but using it is better. So the next task was to implement a factory class able to build an object in our ISO-19111 modelling from its (auth_name, code). This is now completed for all object categories of the database. The in-progress task is the generalization/augmentation of the current method createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS) that creates coordinate method without external input than the definition of the CRS as a createOperations(sourceCRS, targetCRS, context) that also uses the proj.db database to find registered coordinate operations (typically between the geographic CRS), and take into account specified area of interest and desired accuracy, to propose a list of candidate coordinate operations (chaining for example the reverse projection, a datum shift, and a forward projection). I'm also working on a new `projinfo`utility that will be similar in purpose to the `gdalsrsinfo`, offering the possibility to ingest PROJ strings (legacy PROJ.4 format and new PROJ pipelines), WKT 1, WKT 2, authority codes and output as PROJ (legacy and new), WKT 1, WKT2:2015, WKT2:2018. A mode to list coordinate operations possible between two CRS will also be available.

One interesting statistics: the number of lines of C++ code (including blank lines and comments) added to PROJ per this work is now greater than the number of historical C code: 47 000 lines (14 K being tests) vs 43 000.

mercredi 29 août 2018

SRS barn raising: 3rd report

This is the third progress report of the GDAL SRS barn effort.

In the last month, the main task was to continue, and finish, the mapping of all GDAL currently supported projection methods between their different representations as WKT 2, WKT 1 and PROJ string: LCC_2SP, LCC_2SP_Belgium, Modified Azimuthal Equidistant, Guam Projection, Bonne, (Lambert) Cylindrical Equal Area,    GaussSchreiberTransverseMercator, CassiniSoldner, EckertI to VI, EquidistantCylindricalSpherical, Gall, GoodeHomolosine, InterruptedGoodeHomolosine, GeostationarySatelliteSweepX/Y, International Map of the World Polyconic, Krovak North Oriented and Krovak, LAEA, Mercator_1SP and Mercator_2SP, WebMercator (including GDAL WKT1 import/export tricks), Mollweide, ObliqueStereographic and Orthographic, American polyconic, PolarSterographicVariantA and PolarSterographicVariantB, Robinson and Sinusoidal, Stereographic, VanDerGrinten, Wagner I to VII, QuadrilateralizedSphericalCube, SphericalCrossTrackHeight, Aitoff, Winkel I and II, Winkel Tripel, Craster_Parabolic, Loximuthal and Quartic_Authalic

The task was tedious, but necessary.  For some cases, this involved cross-checking formulas in the EPSG "Guidance Note 7, part 2 Coordinate Conversions & Transformations including Formulas", PROJ implementation and Snyder "Map Projections - A Working Manual" because of ambiguities in some projection names. Typically the ObliqueStereographic in EPSG is not the Oblique Stereographic of Snyder. The former is implemented as the Oblique Stereographic Alternative (sterea) in PROJ, and the later as the Oblique Stereographic (stere). The parameter names in WKT 2 / EPSG tend also to be much more specific that in GDAL WKT 1. When in GDAL WKT1, you have mostly a "latitude_of_origin" parameter mapping to the lat_0 PROJ parameter, in WKT2, parameter names tend to better reflect the mathematical characteristics of the projection, distinguishing between "Latitude of natural origin", "Latitude of projection centre" or "Latitude of false origin"

The currently ongoing task is now to implement a method that takes a PROJ string and builds ISO-19111 corresponding objects. Done for GeographicCRS (+proj=longlat), in progress for Projected CRS. When this will be completed we will have the infrastructure to convert in all directions between PROJ strings, WKT 1 and WKT 2

When digging into PROJ code, I also uncovered a number of issues in the Helmert implementation (confusing for rotational parameters regarding the "Position Vector" vs "Coordinate frame" convention), the handling of the not-so-well-known +geoc flag for geocentric latitudes and the handling of vertical units for geographic CRS with the new PROJ API. All of those fixes have been independantly merged in PROJ master, so as to be available for the upcoming PROJ 5.2.0, which should be released around mid-september (to remove any confusion, this release will not include yet all the WKT 2 related work)

jeudi 26 juillet 2018

SRS barn raising: 2nd report

This is the second progress report of the GDAL SRS barn effort.

Since the previous report, a number of topics have been addressed:
- extension of the class hierarchy to implement BoundCRS (the generalization of the WKT1 TOWGS84 concept. This concept only exists in WKT 2 and has not been modeled in ISO-19111, so I went on my own modelling), TimeCRS, DerivedGeodeticCRS
- implementation of the exportToPROJ() method for CRS and related objects, and CoordinateOperation
- addition of all documentation needed at class and method level so that Doxygen passes without warnings
- implementation of CoordinateOperation::createOperation() method that can instanciate a transformation between two CRSs. For now, it does not use yet the operations of the EPSG database, but it can already take into account the hints of BoundCRS.
- implementation of a number of Transformations: geocentric translation, position vector transformation, coordinate frame rotation, NTv2,  GravityRelatedHeightToGeographic3D, VERTCON.
- start of mapping all GDAL currently supported projection methods. For now: UTM, Transverse Mercator, Transerve Mercator South Oriented, Two Point Equidistant, Tunisia Mapping Grid, Albers Conic Equal Area, Lambert Conic Conformal 1SP, New Zealand Map Grid. Several tens are obviously still missing.
- addition of a isEquivalentTo() method to compare the various objects.
- and of course, extensive unit testing of all the above work.

The result of this continued work can be followed in this pull request.

As a related effort, I've coordinated with the OGC CRS Working Group to provide my comments on the upcoming ISO:19168 / WKTv2 2018 revision.

lundi 18 juin 2018

The barn is raising

Thanks to the support given by the sponsors of the GDAL SRS barn effort, I have been able to kick in the first works in the past weeks. The work up to now has been concentrated on the PROJ front.

The first step was to set a foundation of C++ classes that implement the ISO-19111 / OGC Topic 2 "Referencing by coordinates" standard. Actually I have anticipated the future adoption of the 18-005r1 2018 revision of the standard that takes into account the latest advances in the modelling of coordinate reference systems (in particular dynamic reference frames, geoid-based vertical coordinate reference systems, etc.), which will be reflected in the corresponding update of the WKT2:2018 standard and future updates of the EPSG dataset. If you are curious, you can skim through the resulting PROJ class hierarchy which is really close to the abstract specification (a number of those classes currenty lack a real implementation for now). With the agreement of the newly born PROJ project steering committee, I have opted for C++11 which offers a number of useful modern features to reduce boilerplate and concentrate on the interesting aspects of the work.

On the functional front, there is already support to read WKT1 (its GDAL variant for now) and WKT2 strings and build a subset of the before mentionned C++ objects. And conversely to dump those C++ objects as WKT1 and WKT2 strings. In particular you can import from WKT1 and export to WKT2, or the reverse (within the limitations of each format). So this abstract modelling (quite close to WKT2 of course) effectively serves its purpose to help being independant from the actual representation of the CRS. As I mentionned an early adoption of the OGC Topic 2 standard, similarly I've taken into account the future WKT2:2018 (OGC 18-010) standard that aligns well with the abstract specification. In the API, the user can select if he wants to export according to the currently adopted version WKT2:2015 (OGC 12-063r5), or with the future WKT2:2018 revision.

The result of those first steps can be followed in this pull request.

Another task that has been accomplished is the addition of the Google Test C++ testing framework to PROJ (thanks to Mateusz Loskot for his help with the CMake integration), so all those new features can be correctly tested locally and on all platforms supported by PROJ continuous integration setup.

There are many future steps to do just on the PROJ front :
  • implement remaining classes
  • code documentation
  • comprehensive support of projection methods (at least the set currently supported by GDAL)
  • import from and export to PROJ strings for CRS definitions and coordinate operations
  • use of the EPSG dataset

vendredi 15 juin 2018

SQLite and POSIX advisory locks

Those past couple days, I was working on implementing multi-layer transaction support for GeoPackage datasources (for QGIS 3.4). Multi-layer transaction is an advanced functionality of QGIS (you have to enable it in project settings), initially implemented for PostgreSQL connections where several layers can be edited together so as to have atomic modifications when editing them. Modifications are automatically sent to the database, using SQL savepoints to implement undo/redo operations, instead of being queued in memory and committed at once when the user stops editing  the layer.

While debugging my work during development, I stumbled upon a heisenbug. From time to time, the two auxiliary files attached to a SQLite database opened in Write Ahead Logging (WAL) mode, suffixed -wal and -shm, would suddenly disappear, whereas the file was still being opened by QGIS. As those files are absolutely required, the consequence of this was that following operations on the database failed: new readers (in the QGIS process) would be denied opening the file, and QGIS could not commit any new change to it. When the file was closed, the file returned again in a proper state (which shows the robustness of sqlite). After some time, I realized that my issue arised exactly when I observed the database being edited by QGIS with an external ogrinfo on it (another way to reproduce the issue would be to open a second QGIS instance on the same file and close it). I indeed used ogrinfo to check that the state of the database was consistent during the editing operations. Okay, so instead of a random bug, I had now a perfectly reproducable bug. Half of the way to solve it, right ?

How come ogrinfo, which involves read-only operations, could cause those -wal and -shm files to disappear ? I had some recollection of code I had written in the OGR SQLite driver regarding this. When a dataset opened in read-only mode is closed by OGR, it checks if there's a -wal file still existing (which could happen if a database had not been cleanly closed, like a killed process), and if so, it re-opens it temporarily in update mode, does a dummy operation on it, and close it. If the ogrinfo process is the only one that had a connection on the database, libsqlite would remove the -wal and -shm files automatically (OGR does not directly remove the file, it relies on libsqlite wisdom to determine if they can be removed or not). But wait, in my above situation, ogrinfo was not the exclusive process operating on the database: QGIS was still editing it.... Would that be a bug in the venerable libsqlite ??? (spoiler: no)

I tried to reproduce the situation with replacing QGIS by a plain sqlite console opening the file, and doing a ogrinfo on it. No accidental removal of the -wal and -shm files. Okay, so what is the difference between QGIS and the sqlite console (beside QGIS having like one million extra line of code;-)). Well, QGIS doesn't directly use libsqlite3 to open GeoPackage databases, but uses the OGR GPKG driver. So instead of opening with QGIS or a sqlite3 console, what if I opened with the OGR GPKG driver ? Bingo, in that situation, I could also reproduce the issue. So something in OGR was the culprit. I will save you of the other details, but at the end it turned out that if OGR was opening itself a .gpkg file using standard file API, whereas libsqlite3 was opening it, chaos would result. This situation can happen since for example when opening a dataset, OGR has to open the underlying file to at least read its header and figure out which driver would handle it. So the sequence of operation is normally:
1) the GDALOpenInfo class opens the file
2) the OGR GeoPackage driver realizes this file is for it, and use the sqlite3_open() API to open it
3) the GDALOpenInfo class closes the file it has opened in step 1 (libsqlite3 still manages its own file handle)

When modifying the above sequence, so that 3) is executed before 2), the bug would not appear. At that point, I had some recollection that sqlite3 used POSIX advisory locks to handle concurrent accesses, and that there were some issues with that POSIX API. Digging into the sqlite3.c source code revealed a very interesting 86 line long comment about how POSIX advisory locks are broken by design. The main brokenness are they are advisory and not compulsory of course, but as this is indicated in the name, one cannot really complain about that being a hidden feature. The most interesting finding was: """If you close a file descriptor that points to a file that has locks, all locks on that file that are owned by the current process are released.""" Bingo: that was just what OGR was doing.
My above workaround (to make sure the file is closed before sqlite opens it and set its locks) was OK for a single opening of a file in a process. But what if the user wants to open a second connection on the same file (which arises easily in the QGIS context) ? The rather ugly solution I came off was that the OGR GPKG driver would warn the GDALOpenInfo not to try to open a given file while it was still opened by the driver and pass it the file header it would be supposed to find if it could open the file, so that the driver identification logic can still work. Those fixes are queued for GDAL 2.3.1, whose release candidate is planned next Friday.

  • never ever open (actually close) a SQLite database with regular file API while libsqlite3 is operating on it (in the same process)
  • POSIX advisory locks are awful.