jeudi 12 octobre 2017

Optimizing JPEG2000 decoding

Over this summer I have spent 40 days (*) in the guts of the OpenJPEG open-source library (BSD 2-clause licensed) optimizing the decoding speed and memory consumption. The result of this work is now available in the OpenJPEG 2.3.0 release.

For those who are not familiar with JPEG-2000, and they have a lot of excuse given its complexity, this is a standard for image compression, that supports lossless and lossy methods. It uses discrete wavelet transform for multi-resolution analysis, and a context-driven binary arithmetic coder for encoding of bit plane coefficients. When you go into the depths of the format, what is striking is the number of independent variables that can be tuned:

- use of tiling or not, and tile dimensions
- number of resolutions
- number of quality layers
- code-block dimensions
- 6 independent options regarding how code-blocks are encoded (code-block styles): use of Selective arithmetic coding bypass, use of Reset context probabilities on coding pass boundaries, use of Termination on each coding pass, use of Vertically stripe causal context, use of Predictable termination, use of Segmentation Symbols. Some can bring decoding speed advantages (notably selective arithmetic coding bypass), at the price of less compression efficiency. Others might help hardware based implementations. Others can help detecting corruption in the codestream (predictable termination)
- spatial partition of code-blocks into so-called precincts, whose dimension may vary per resolution
- progression order, ie the criterion to decide how packets are ordered, which is a permutation of the 4 variables: Precincts, Component, Resolution, Layer. The standard allows for 5 different permutations. To add extra fun, the progression order might be configured to change several times among the 5 possible (something I haven't yet had the opportunity to really understand)
- division of packets into tile-parts
- use of multi-component transform or not
- choice of lossless or lossy wavelet transforms
- use of start of packet / end of packet markers
- use of  Region Of Interest, to have higher quality in some areas
- choice of image origin and tiling origins with respect to a reference grid (the image and tile origin are not necessarily pixel (0,0))

And if that was not enough, some/most of those parameters may vary per-tile! If you already found that TIFF/GeoTIFF had too many parameters to tune (tiling or not, pixel or band interleaving, compression method), JPEG-2000 is probably one or two orders of magnitude more complex. JPEG-2000 is truly a technological and mathematical jewel. But needless to say that having a compliant JPEG-2000 encoder/decoder, which OpenJPEG is (it is an official reference implementation of the standard) is already something complex. Having it perform optimally is yet another target.

Previously to that latest optimization round, I had already worked at enabling multi-threaded decoding at the code-block level, since they can be decoded independently (once you've re-assembled from the code-stream the bytes that encode a code-block), and in the inverse wavelet transform as well (during the horizontal pass, resp vertical pass, rows, resp columns, can be transformed independently). But the single-thread use had yet to be improved. Roughly, around 80 to 90% of the time during JPEG-2000 decoding is spent in the context-driven binary arithmetic decoder, around 10% in the inverse wavelet transform and the rest in other operations such as multi-component transform. I managed to get around 10% improvement in the global decompression time by porting to the decoder an optimization that had been proposed by Carl Hetherington for the encoding side, in the code that determines which bit of wavelet transformed coefficient must be encoded during which coding pass. The trick here was to reduce the memory needed for the context flags, so as to decrease the pressure on the CPU cache. Other optimizations in that area have consisted in making sure that some critical variables are kept preferably in CPU registers rather than in memory. I've spent a good deal of time looking at the disassembly of the compiled code.
I've also optimized the reversible (lossless) inverse transform to use the Intel SSE2 (or AVX2) instruction sets to be able to process several rows, which can result up to 3x speed-up for that stage (so a global 3% improvement)

I've also worked on reducing the memory consumption needed to decode images, by removing the use of intermediate buffers when possible. The result is that the amount of memory needed to do full-image decoding was reduced by 2.4.

Another major work direction was to optimize speed and memory consumption for sub-window decoding. Up to now, the minimal unit of decompression was a tile. Which is OK for tiles of reasonable dimensions (let's say 1024x1024 pixels), but definitely not on images that don't use tiling, and that hardly fit into memory. In particular, OpenJPEG couldn't open images of more than 4 billion pixels. The work has consisted in 3 steps :
- identifying which precincts and code-blocks are needed for the reconstruction of a spatial region
- optimize the inverse wavelet transform to operate only on rows and columns needed
- reducing the allocation of buffers to the amount strictly needed for the subwindow of interest
The overall result is that the decoding time and memory consumption are now roughly proportional to the size of the subwindow to decode, whereas they were previously constant. For example decoding 256x256 pixels in a 13498x9944x3 bands image takes now only 190 ms, versus about 40 seconds before.

As a side activity, I've also fixed 2 different annoying bugs that could cause lossless encoding to not be lossless for some combinations of tile sizes and number of resolutions, or when some code-block style options were used.

I've just updated the GDAL OpenJPEG driver (in GDAL trunk) to be more efficient when dealing with untiled JPEG-2000 images.

There are many more things that could be done in the OpenJPEG library :
- port a number of optimizations on the encoding side: multi-threadig, discrete wavelet transform optimizations, etc...
- on the decoding side, reduce again the memory consumption, particularly in the untiled case. Currently we need to ingest into memory the whole codestream for a tile (so the whole compressed file, on a untiled image)
- linked to the above, use of TLM and PLT marker segments (kind of indexes to tiles and packets)
- on the decoding side, investigate further improvements for the code specific of irreversible / lossy compression
- make the opj_decompress utility do a better use of the API and consume less memory. Currently it decodes a full image into memory instead of proceeding by chunks (you won't have this issue if using gdal_translate)
- investigate how using GPGPU capabilities (CUDA or OpenCL) could help reduce the time spent in context-driven binary arithmetic decoder.

Contact me if you are interested in some of those items (or others !)

(*) funding provided by academic institutions and archival organizations, namely
… And logistic support from the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), intoPIX, and of course the Image and Signal Processing Group (ISPGroup) from University of Louvain (UCL, Belgium) hosting the OpenJPEG project.

mercredi 11 octobre 2017

GDAL and cloud storage

In the past weeks, a number of improvements related to access to cloud storage have been committed to GDAL trunk (future GDAL 2.3.0)

Cloud based virtual file systems

There was already support to access private data in Amazon S3 buckets through the /vsis3/ virtual file system (VFS). Besides a few robustness fixes, a few new capabilities have been added, like creation and deletion of directories inside a bucket with VSIMkdir() / VSIRmdir(). The authentication methods have also been extended to support, beyond the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variables, the other ways accepted by the "aws" command line utilities, that is to say storing credentials in the ~/.aws/credentials or ~/.aws/config files. If GDAL is executed since a Amazon EC2 instance that has been assigned rights to buckets, GDAL will automatically fetch the instance profile credentials.

The existing read-only /vsigs/ VFS for Google Cloud Storage as being extended with write capabilities (creation of new files), to be on feature parity with /vsis3/. The authentication methods have also been extended to support OAuth2 authentication with a refresh token, or with service account authentication. The credentials can be stored in a ~/.boto configuration file. And when run from a Google Compute Engine virtual machine, GDAL will automatically fetch the instance profile credentials.

Two new VFS have also been added, /vsiaz/ for Microsoft Azure Blobs and /vsioss/ for Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service. They support read and write operations similarly to the two previously mentioned VFS.

To make file and directory management easy, a number of Python sample scripts have been created or improved: my.tif /vsis3/mybucket/raster/ -r /vsis3/mybucket/raster /vsigs/somebucket -lr /vsis3/mybucket /vsis3/mybucket/raster/my.tif /vsis3/mybucket/newdir -r /vsis3/mybucket/newdir

Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF

Over the last past few months, there has been adoption by various actors of the cloud optimized formulation of GeoTIFF files, which enables clients to efficiently open and access portions of a GeoTIFF file available through HTTP GET range requests.

Source code for a online service that offers validation of cloud optimized GeoTIFF (using GDAL and the script underneath) and can run as a AWS Lambda function is available. Note: as the current definition of what is or is not a cloud optimized formulation has been uniteraly decided up to now, it cannot be excluded that it might be changed on some points (for example relaxing constraints on the ordering of the data of each overview level, or enforcing that tiles are ordered in a top-to-bottom left-to-right way)

GDAL trunk has received improvements to speed up access to sub windows of a GeoTIFF file by making sure that the tiles that participate to a sub-window of interest are requested in parallel (this is true for public files accessed through /vsicurl/ or with the four above mentioned specialized cloud VFS), by reducing the amount of data fetched to the strict minimum and merging requests for consecutive ranges. In some environments, particularly when accessing to the storage service of a virtual machine of the same provider, HTTP/2 can be used by setting the GDAL_HTTP_VERSION=2 configuration option (provided you have a libcurl recent enough and built against nghttp2). In that case, HTTP/2 multiplexing will be used to request and retrieve data on the same HTTP connection (saving time to establish TLS for example). Otherwise, GDAL will default to several parallel HTTP/1.1 connections. For long lived processes, efforts have been made to re-use as much as possible existing HTTP connections.

samedi 11 mars 2017

Dealing with huge vector GeoPackage databases in GDAL/OGR

Recently, I've fixed a bug in the OGR OpenFileGDB driver, the driver made from the reverse engineering the ESRI FileGeoDatabase format, so as to be able to read tables whose section that enumerates and describes fields is located beyond the first 4 GB of the file. This table from the 2016 TIGER database is indeed featuring all linear edges of the USA and is 15 GB large (feature and spatial indexes included), with 85 million features.

Some time before, I had to deal with a smaller database - 1.7 GB as GeoPackage - with 5.4 million polygons (bounding box) from the cadastre of an Italian province. One issue I noticed is that when you want to get the summary of the layer, with ogrinfo -al -so the.gpkg, it was very slow. The reason is that this summary includes the feature count, and there's no way to get this metadata quickly, apart from running the "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM the_table" request, which causes a full scan of the table. For small databases, this runs fast, but when going into the gigabyte realm, this can take several dozains of seconds. But getting the spatial extent of the layer, which is one of the other information displayed by the summary mode of ogrinfo, is fast since the gpkg_contents "system" table of a GeoPackage database includes the bounding box of the table. So my idea was to extend the definition of the gpkg_contents table to add a new column, ogr_feature_count, to store the feature count. I went to implement that, and it worked fine. The synchronization of the value of ogr_feature_count after edits can be done with 2 SQLite triggers, on row insertion and deletion, and that  works with implementations that are not aware of the existence of this new column. Like older OGR versions. Unfortunately it appears that at least one other implementation completely rejected such databases. There is some inconsistency in the GeoPackage specification if additional columns are accepted or not in system tables. From the /base/core/contents/data/table_def test case, "Column order, check constraint and trigger definitions, and other column definitions in the returned sql are irrelevant.", it would seem that additional columns should still be considered as a valid GeoPackage. Anyway, that's only the theory and we don't want to break interoperability for just a nice-to-have feature... So I went to change the design a bit and created a new table, gpkg_ogr_contents, with a table_name and feature_count columns. I'm aware that I should not borrow the gpkg_ prefix, but I felt it was safer to do so since other implementations will probably ignore any unknown gpkg_ prefixed table. And the addition of the ogr_ prefix makes collisions with future extension of the GeoPackage specification unlikely. The content of this table is also maintained in synchronization with the data table thanks to two triggers, and this makes the other software that rejected my first attempt happy. Problem solved.

Let's come back to our 13 GB FileGeoDatabase. My first attempt to convert is to GeoPackage with ogr2ogr resulted in converting the features in about half an hour, but once this 100% stage reached, the finalization, which includes building the spatial index took ages. So long, that after a whole night it wasn't yet finished and seriously making the computer non responsive due to massive I/O activity. In the GeoPackage driver, the spatial index is indeed created after feature insertion, so that the feature table and spatial index tables are well separated in the file, and from previous experiment with the Spatialite driver, it proved to be the right strategy. Populating the SQLite R-Tree is done with a simple statement: INSERT INTO my_rtree SELECT fid, ST_MinX(geom), ST_MaxX(geom), ST_MinY(geom), ST_MaxY(geom) FROM the_table. Analyzing what happens in the SQLite code is not easy when you are not familiar with that code base, but my intuition is that there was constant back and forth between the geometry data area and the RTree area in the file, making the SQLite page cache inefficient. So I decided to experiment with a more progressive approach. Let's iterate over the feature table and collect the fid, minx, max, miny, maxy by chunks of 100 000 rows, and the insert those 100 000 bounding boxes into the R-Tree, and loop again unil we have completely read the feature table. With such a strategy, the spatial index can now be built in 4h30. The resulting GeoPackage file weights 31.6 GB, so twice at large than the FileGeoDatabase. One of the reasons for the difference must be due to geometries in FileGeoDatabase being compressed (quantization for coordinate precision, delta encoding and use of variable integer) whereas GeoPackage uses a uncompressed SQLite BLOB based on OGC WKB.
My first attempt at opening it in QGIS resulted in the UI to be frozen, probably for hours. The reason is that QGIS always issues a spatial filter, even when requesting on a area of interest that is at least as large as the extent of the layer, where there is no performance gain to expect from using it. So the first optimization was in the OGR GeoPackage to detect that situation and to not translate the OGR spatial filter as SQLite R-Tree filter. QGIS could now open the database and progressively displays the features. Unfortunately when zooming in, the UI became frozen again. When applying a spatial filter, the GeoPackage driver created a SQL request like the following one:

SELECT * FROM the_table WHERE fid IN 
       (SELECT id FROM the_rtree WHERE 
        xmin <= bbox_xmax AND xmax >= bbox_xmin AND
        ymin <= bboy_ymay AND ymay >= bboy_ymin)

It turns out that the sub-select (the one that fetches the feature ID from the spatial index) is apparently entirely run before the outer select (the one that returns geometry and attributes) starts being evaluated. This way of expressing the spatial filter came from the Spatialite driver (since GeoPackage and Spatialite use the exact same mechanisms for spatial indexing), itself based on examples from an old Spatialite tutorial. For not too big databases, this runs well. After some experiment, it turns out that doing a JOIN between the feature table and the RTree virtual table makes it possible to have a non blocking request:

SELECT * FROM the_table t JOIN the_rtree r ON t.fid =
WHERE r.xmin <= bbox_xmax AND r.xmax >= bbox_xmin AND
      r.ymin <= bboy_ymax AND r.ymax >= bboy_ymin

Now QGIS is completely responsive, although I find that even on high zoom levels, the performance is somehow disappointing, ie features appear rather slowly. There seems to be some threshold effect on the size of the database, since the performance is rather good on the Italian province cadastral use case.

Another experiment showed that increasing the SQLite page size from 1024 bytes (the default in SQLite 3.11 or earlier) to 4096 bytes (the default since SQLite 3.12) decreases the database size to 28.8 GB. This new page size of 4096 bytes is now used by default by the OGR SQLite and GPKG drivers (unless OGR_SQLITE_PRAGMA=page_size=xxxx is specified as a configuration option).

I also discovered that increasing the SQLite page cache from its 2 MB default to 2 GB (with --config OGR_SQLITE_CACHE 2000) significantly improved the time to build the spatial index, decreasing the total conversion time from 4h30 to 2h10. 2GB is just a value selected at random. It might be too large or perhaps a larger value would help further.

All improvements mentionned above (faster spatial index creation, better use of spatial index and change of default page size) are now in GDAL trunk, and will be available in the upcoming 2.2.0 release.