On behalf of the GDAL/OGR development team and community, I am pleased to announce the release of GDAL/OGR 2.0.0. GDAL/OGR is a C++ geospatial data access library for raster and vector file formats, databases and web services. It includes bindings for several languages, and a variety of command line tools.
The 2.0.0 release is a major new feature release with the following highlights:
* GDAL and OGR driver and dataset unification
* 64-bit integer fields and feature IDs
* Support for curve geometries
* Support for OGR field subtypes (boolean, int16, float32)
* RasterIO() improvements : resampling and progress callback
* Stricter SQL quoting
* OGR not-null constraints and default values
* OGR dataset transactions
* Refined SetFeature() and DeleteFeature() semantics
* OFTTime/OFTDateTime millisecond accuracy
* 64bit histogram bucket count
* New GDAL drivers:
- BPG: read-only driver for Better Portable Graphics format (experimental)
- GPKG: read/write/update capabilities in the unified raster/vector driver
- KEA: read/write driver for KEA format
- PLMosaic: read-only driver for Planet Labs Mosaics API
- ROI_PAC: read/write driver for image formats of JPL's ROI_PAC project
- VICAR: read-only driver for VICAR format
* New OGR drivers:
- Cloudant : read/write driver for Cloudant service
- CSW: read-only driver for OGC CSW (Catalog Service for the Web) protocol
- JML: read/write driver for OpenJUMP .jml format
- PLScenes: read-only driver for Planet Labs Scenes API
- Selaphin: read/write driver for the Selaphin/Seraphin format
* Significantly improved drivers: CSV, GPKG, GTiff, JP2OpenJPEG, MapInfo, PG,
* Upgrade to EPSG 8.5 database
* Fix locale related issues when formatting or reading floating point numbers
You can also find more complete information on the new features and fixes in the 2.0.0.
The release can be downloaded from:
* http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/2.0.0/gdal200.zip - source as a zip
* http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/2.0.0/gdal-2.0.0.tar.gz - source as .tar.gz
* http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/2.0.0/gdal-2.0.0.tar.xz - source as .tar.xz
* http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/2.0.0/gdalautotest-2.0.0.tar.gz - test suite
* http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/2.0.0/gdal200doc.zip - documentation/website
As there have been a few changes to the C++ API, and to a lesser extent to the C API, developers are strongly advised to read the migration guide.
Your work on the text is indescribable. Sabrina