vendredi 28 septembre 2018

SRS barn raising: 4th report

This is the fourth progress report of the GDAL SRS barn effort.

The in-progess task at the time of the last report was the addition of a method createFromPROJString() that takes a PROJ string and builds ISO-19111 corresponding objects. It has now been completed for ProjectedCRS. Not all arbitrary valid PROJ strings can be currently mapped to ISO-19111 objects, but at least strings expressing CRS definitions can. A few constructs involving Helmert transforms are also parsed as CoordinateOperation.

A few random tasks completed:
  • Map time-dependent Helmert transforms, and fixes for existing Helmert transforms
  • Map Molodensky and Abridged Molodensky transformation methods from/to PROJ strings
  • Map Longitude rotation transformation method
  • Update to recognize VRF and TRF WKT2-2018 keywords
  • Add import/export of VERTICALEXTENT and TIMEEXTENT WKT2 elements
  • Add import/export of WKT2:2018 USAGE node
  • Progress in implementation of "esoteric" ISO-19111 classes: DatumEnsemble, DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame, OrdinalCS, DerivedProjectedCRS, EngineeringCRS, ParametricCRS, DerivedVerticalCRS
  • Several fixes

The most interesting task regarding the high-level objectives of the roadmap of the barn campaign is the creation of a proj.db SQLite3 database containing CRS (and related objects) and coordinate operations (datum shifts, ...) definitions. The workflow to build it is:
  1. Import EPSG dataset PostgreSQL .sql dumps
  2. Run scripts/ that will ingest those dumps in a temporary SQLite3 database and then extract needed information from it and marshall it a more digestable form for our final proj.db. At the end the script, outputs new .sql scripts in the data/sql subdirectory of the PROJ directory. We keep in version control those text files, for better tracability of changes.
  3. At make time, we build the proj.db database by importing those .sql scripts.
Steps 1 and 2 are done (typically by PROJ developers) each time you need to update to a newer version.
Step 3 is done automatically at PROJ build time, from a git clone or a tarball of an official release.

The proj.db structure allows for multiple authorities. Instead of having a single code column to identify and reference objects, we use a tuple (authority_name, code) as a key, both columns being of text type for better generality. So ('EPSG', '4326') or ('IGNF', 'LAMB1') are possible. At that time, only EPSG derived objects are in the database. Import of other dictionaries are task for later.

Having a database is good, but using it is better. So the next task was to implement a factory class able to build an object in our ISO-19111 modelling from its (auth_name, code). This is now completed for all object categories of the database. The in-progress task is the generalization/augmentation of the current method createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS) that creates coordinate method without external input than the definition of the CRS as a createOperations(sourceCRS, targetCRS, context) that also uses the proj.db database to find registered coordinate operations (typically between the geographic CRS), and take into account specified area of interest and desired accuracy, to propose a list of candidate coordinate operations (chaining for example the reverse projection, a datum shift, and a forward projection). I'm also working on a new `projinfo`utility that will be similar in purpose to the `gdalsrsinfo`, offering the possibility to ingest PROJ strings (legacy PROJ.4 format and new PROJ pipelines), WKT 1, WKT 2, authority codes and output as PROJ (legacy and new), WKT 1, WKT2:2015, WKT2:2018. A mode to list coordinate operations possible between two CRS will also be available.

One interesting statistics: the number of lines of C++ code (including blank lines and comments) added to PROJ per this work is now greater than the number of historical C code: 47 000 lines (14 K being tests) vs 43 000.